Why Join the WTA
Your $175 annual membership dues go to support turf research and education in Wisconsin. This helps all turf managers keep current with the best ways to perform their jobs more efficiently and successfully. Some achievements that the WTA has accomplished include fundraising to build the O.J. Noer Turfgrass Research and Education Facility, donating $200,000 startup funds to hire two turfgrass professors, and establishment of four Distinguished Graduate Fellowships that will support Wisconsin based turf research indefinitely. Other examples of support include funding studies to improve fungicide recommendations, analyze nutrient runoff data, discover better ways to grow turf in the shade, select best variety/specie for given parameters, and investigate new weed management strategies. There are many more research projects that the WTA funds annually to improve the professional and layperson use of turfgrass. So become a member today and know that you are supporting all turf managers and Wisconsin’s environment through this great organization.
Additional Benefits of Membership
- Subscription to the Wisconsin Turfgrass News – View Sample Newsletter
- Discounts to WTA Summer Field Day
- Discount to Winter Turf Research Day Conference and Webinar
- Access to 25 years of archived association newsletters
- Knowing that you are supporting your industry and turfgrass research in Wisconsin